Joining suitability of cast aluminium for self-piercing riveting
M. Neuser, F. Kappe, M. Busch, O. Grydin, M. Bobbert, M. Schaper, G. Meschut, T. Hausotte, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2021).
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Z - Central tasks of the collaborative research center
Subproject Z comprises the central tasks of coordination and administration of the TRR. This includes, in particular, the coordination of cross-project work, such as the organization of internal meetings within the framework of the TRR or the implementation of agreed measures to promote young scientists as well as equal opportunities and compatibility. A further central task of the Z-project is the configuration, establishment and maintenance of a product data management system set up specifically for the TRR, which efficiently handles data management across locations and subprojects.